In the crisp dawn of a February day in 2017 at 756 Farm in Delanson, New York, a stunning dark brown filly took her first breaths. Born into the promise of New York's lucrative Breeding and Racing Program and sired by Danza, a Grade One Stakes Winner, she carried the strength and splendor of her lineage. Her dam, Caviar Crush, bred and owned by the iconic country rockstar Toby Keith, added to her prestigious heritage.

Todd Stinson, a partner in the farm, was so taken by her presence that he lovingly named her Captured Angel. Yet, fate had other plans. The sudden passing of Todd Stinson in 2019 left her and her herd in uncertainty. Legal entanglements and estate issues cast a shadow over her once bright future, and the decision to disperse the herd at the Unadilla Livestock Auction on September 23rd, 2022, marked a harrowing turn in her life.

As the auction loomed, Captured Angel, along with 43 Thoroughbreds, faced a potentially grim fate. Unbridled stepped in to ensure the "Unadilla 44" would be safe from the auction circuit and the slaughter pipeline.

Now, fully recovered and standing proud at 16 hands, Captured Angel is a testament to resilience. Her health, spirit, and beauty have been restored, and she moves with the grace and power of a show hunter.

Unbridled Sanctuary seeks a future for Angel that matches the grandeur of her recovery. They are looking for a training partner, sponsor, or adopter who will cherish her and help her realize her full potential.

This call to action is about offering Captured Angel the life she was always meant to have. It's an invitation to become part of her story, to turn her tale of survival into a lifelong narrative of companionship and triumph.

Support Captured Angel's journey. Be the hands that guide her into a future bright with possibility. Contact Unbridled Sanctuary today to learn how you can be part of her continuing story of hope, recovery, and triumph. Your support can transform her tale into a legacy of grace, strength, and beauty.

​Registered Name: Captured Angel

Born in New York | February 2017

Sired by Danza Out of Caviar Crush by Successful Appeal